Author Archives: Namita Winters

For AdSense approval traffic volume is important, content not that much. Don’t tell me otherwise.

Most bloggers want to monetize their blogs, eventually. If you search the web for ‘monetizing blogs’, you will get thousands of links to websites sharing best strategies to monetize your site. Firstly, almost all of them have something to sell to you for sharing their thoughts on monetization. Secondly, they will preach that it is… Read More »

Actionable advice: buying and consuming poison at a discounted price is still consuming poison. Stop justifying the cognitive dissonance.

On a recent flight, I was sitting next to two very chatty gentlemen. I had no intention of eavesdropping on their conversation. However, I had no choice but to hear them talk, as they were sitting right next to me and yapping nonstop. Both of them were chain smokers. They reeked of cigarette smoke and… Read More »

Actionable advice: do not gold plate or allow scope creep at workplace

Every project manager will undoubtedly know the definition of gold plating and scope creep, also known as requirement creep. For the uninitiated, to gold plate, in project management parlance, is to add any functionality or feature that was not a part of the original project scope plan. This does not mean that new features or… Read More »

Mutual funds sahi hai (mutual funds are right) campaign: an ad blitz doing more harm than good?

For the last few months, I am noticing a sharp spike in the number of ‘invest in mutual funds‘ ads on TV and print. Even though my TV viewing is limited to around 20 minutes per day, mostly while having dinner with my mom, I still couldn’t help but notice the pervasive nature of those… Read More »

Getting “selected” for promotion in the corporate world

Recently, Saurav Ganguly, who retired as India’s most successful captain, had this to say about getting selected for the Indian cricket team, I retired because at some point you’ve had enough. The reason is not because you have had enough of playing the sport but because you’ve had enough of getting selected all the time.… Read More »

Sexual harassment in the workplace: meet weirdo Hans

Recently, New York Times, in an exposé, alleged that a very prominent Hollywood producer, Harvey Weinstein, has been sexually harassing women for ages. Subsequent to the publication of that exposé, many other women have come forward and accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment. Some have even accused him of rape. According to the article, he… Read More »

Weirdos of the corporate world: meet itchy Ritesh and pocket pool Richard

While meandering your way through the corporate world, your path will invariably cross the paths of a lot of weird characters. Some of them will be your colleagues and some of them will be your superiors/managers/leaders. It is relatively easy to work with weird colleagues, as you can navigate the “potholes” they create with some… Read More »

Why do many relationships run into troubled waters? Is it mostly lust and not love? Why many couples get it so wrong?

I am sure we all have heard about people—famous and otherwise—falling in love, starting a relationship, getting married and then divorcing a short time later. For some, the divorce may happen within a year’s time. I could never wrap my head around how and why many relationships go sour and go south so quickly after… Read More »

Leaders vs. Dealers: Who/what are dealers, and what are the key differences between leaders and dealers?

It always surprises me how people casually and flippantly exalt nincompoops to the position of a “leader.” The first time I witnessed such an event take place in the corporate world, it was during a town hall meeting I attended, eons ago. A so-called “transformational leader” was visiting us and there was a town hall meeting with him… Read More »

A few facts about abusive managers/bullying bosses, and how to “deal” with those individuals?

I like many people had the great misfortune of working for abusive managers and bullying bosses very early on in my career. The manager at my second job was a serial tormentor and a bully. She disliked/hated all her team members. I don’t want to go into elaborate details about what that particular manager did… Read More »

The Rube Goldberg machines of the corporate world

Have you worked or do you work in an organization that follows one or many over-engineered process(es), commonly called the Rube Goldberg machines? For those who aren’t aware of the term Rube Goldberg machines, let me refer to Wikipedia to introduce Rube Goldberg and Rube Goldberg machine. Rube Goldberg was an American cartoonist, sculptor, author, engineer,… Read More »

The IT department in the corporate world—a case of the tail wagging the dog

In almost all non-Information Technology (IT) organizations, the IT department/functional area, like transpiration or friction, is a necessary evil. The IT Department, in those organizations, is a cost center, which means it doesn’t generate any revenue for the company but costs the company money to run it. Therefore, you would hope that it is imperative… Read More »

Inspirational life lessons from Nick Vujicic

Nick Vujicic (Nicholas James Vujicic) is a motivational speaker and an evangelist from Australia, living in the United States. He was born with a rare disorder called phocomelia—a medical condition that results in missing arms and legs. Many people would have been overwhelmed by this physical state, some would have even given up on life… but not Nick… Read More »