Omygdaily – May 17 2016

By | May 17, 2016

A compendium of news/articles/videos/pictures/events/stories that triggered the “Oh my god alarm!” Omygdaily – May 17 2016 will discuss:

  • What it is like on the inside the eerie deserted dorms where Apple iPhone workers lived eight to a room, showered in groups of 20 and even PAID for the privilege
  • The ever-inefficient Transportation Security Administration (TSA), wasting taxpayers money to inconvenience the taxpayers. It is good to be a government worker. 

Omygdaily – May 17 2016

Say what now?

This is what Apple’s supplier responsibility states

There’s a right way to make products. It starts with the rights of the people who make them.

Our suppliers employ more than 1.6 million people in 20 countries. And every one of those people deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. In our tenth annual Supplier Responsibility Report, we’re sharing the latest steps we’ve taken to create fair employment and safe working conditions throughout our supply chain.


We set high standards, then help our suppliers meet them.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct is one of the strictest in the industry. But we do more than just hold our suppliers accountable to these standards — we work with them and provide the support they need to operate responsibly.

Labor and Human Rights

Workers’ rights are human rights.

We make sure every person who works in our suppliers’ facilities is treated fairly. So we partner closely with suppliers to end bonded labor, underage labor, and excessive work hours. We’re also going deep within our supply chain to make sure our materials are sourced responsibly.

Empowering Workers

Preparing people for the workplace and beyond.

Workers may not have access to a quality education in some places where our products are made. So we provide training in factories to help workers be better informed, offer classes to help them take the next steps in their careers, and partner with vocational schools to increase the standard of education.

Environment, Health and Safety

Respecting the environments we work and live in.

Our suppliers’ facilities can have a significant impact on the planet and the people who make our products. So we collaborate with suppliers to enforce strict environmental policies and protect workers with the right equipment and safety measures.


And this is what it allows one of its suppliers to do…

Inside the eerie deserted dorms where Apple iPhone workers lived eight to a room, showered in groups of 20 and even PAID for the privilege (Read More)

…basically slave labour. Shame on you Apple! This is what you get from crony capitalism in China.


The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has a 95% failure rate on explosives and weapons detection, yet they make common people go through the ordeal of security check every time they have to fly. Go inefficient government workers!


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