A compendium of news/articles/videos/pictures/events/stories that triggered the “Oh my god alarm!” Omygdaily – July 04 2016 edition will discuss:
- Avenge a murder by raping a 10-year-old.
- Reveal some skin in the photograph included in your résumé and get called for job interviews. Only applies to women, it seems. Men don’t try this, you will get arrested for indecent exposure.
- Oh “polytickcians”, please assault us more!
- Cops called to the school, because of an innocuous remark by a third grader.
Omygdaily – July 04 2016
Avenge a murder by raping a 10-year-old. (Read More)
This article troubled me because of many reasons. Firstly, because a 10-year-old girl was raped to avenge a killing that had taken place 14 years ago. This is madness! Secondly, the perpetrators of the crime were two juvenile boys—14 and 15 years old. Seriously? How depraved must you be to rape a 10-year-old?
However, the most troubling part to this story, I feel, lies in what is not being revealed or is not apparent. Now, I could very well be wrong, but it is an observation worth sharing. If the police were to investigate this crime diligently, then, I believe, they will uncover the following facts:
- The crime was carefully planned and directed by the families, and executed by the perpetrators.
- The planning took into account the age of the boys—14 and 15 years old. The age of the perpetrators is an important factor in this case. Here’s why? After the Nirbhaya rape and murder case, the Indian parliament passed a law that would allow juveniles aged between 16 to 18 years be tried as adults. Anybody below the age of 16 will be tried as a juvenile. And what can be the maximum sentence for a juvenile rape accused—a maximum of three years in a reform facility.
In this particular case, the perpetrators of the crime fall below the lower age threshold defined in the law and will, therefore, be tried as juveniles; hence, they will be in and out of the reform facility in three years. I think that the mastermind behind this crime was well aware of this fact and used it to plan and execute the heinous crime. Now, if I am right, then, you should see more people being arrested in the next day or two.
Finally, I feel, this tragic story will not end here. Blood will be spilled again. If one family waited 14 years, then, the other family can wait 3 years to exact their revenge. Sorry to say this, but those two kids are dead teenagers walking.
Reveal some skin in the photograph included in your résumé and get called for job interviews. Only applies to women, it seems. Men don’t try this, you will get arrested for indecent exposure. (Read More)
They had to do a study to figure this out? What a waste of money? I could have predicted the result without conducting the study. Many men, if not all, are enamored by what a woman is revealing. And many male hiring managers are going to hire a woman who is willing to show some cleavage. And many women use their cleavage and much more to ensure that they reach where they want to reach. It is a win-win for all, until one person in this relationship does not get what they want. Then all hell breaks loose.
Oh “polytickcians”, please assault us more! (Read More)
A “polytickcian” doing what (s)he does best—threaten, assault, ridicule, demean, and, if they can get away with it, murder. In this case, the “polytickcian” only resorted to an assault. The guy is lucky to have been caressed by our gentle overlords. He should have thanked the benevolent “polytickcian” for caressing him and not be complaining about it. Don’t you know that “polytickcians” are infallible.
Say what now?
Cops called to the school, because of an innocuous remark by a third grader. (Read More)
This is what the politically correct world has come to—make an innocent remark about a brownie and have the school administration call the cops on you. It doesn’t matter if you are just a third grader, but you are a racist and a threat to the society. I wonder when they will start interrogating fetuses for “anti-fetal” behaviors.