A compendium of news/articles/videos/pictures/events/stories that triggered the “Oh my god alarm!” Omygdaily – June 10 2016 edition will discuss:
- Our country’s obsession with a male child strikes again. A month-and-a-half old girl child strangled to death by her own dad.
- When the rain gods can make or break your life, you will surely pray to him/her to be generous. Hey, even I would, and I am an agnostic. Farmers in India praying for rain.
- A (wo)man’s best friend will always be a (wo)man’s best friend. Street dogs holding vigil for their friend.
- So, in a few years, will it be called Deadbook instead of Facebook?
Our country’s obsession with a male child strikes again. A month-and-a-half old girl child strangled to death by her own dad. (Read More)
- Here we go again. This time it is in our backyard. A month-and-a-half old girl child is killed by this devil of a dad, because he was fixated on having a boy child. A month-and-a-half old? If you can strangle a month-and-a-half old child, then, you cannot be anything else but a devil incarnate, or maybe the devil himself. You cannot possibly be a human being. A human being with a conscience cannot commit such a heinous crime. Why do these people even get married, when they are not mature enough to handle the responsibilities of being a dad? The want their 5-second nightly fix, but none of the responsibilities that comes associated with satisfying their carnal desires. Many men are diabolical creatures; they put on a mask to hide the devil within. And this guy is one of them.
This devil of a man, who happens to be an electrician by profession, is not even aware of the fact that it is the men’s chromosome that determines the sex of the baby—boy (XY) or a girl (YY). Furthermore, according to a study by Newcastle University, the family tree, in other words inheritance, determines whether a man will have a boy child or girl child.
The research, published online today by the journal Evolutionary Biology, involved a study of 927 family trees containing information on 556,387 people from North America and Europe going back to 1600.
“The family tree study showed that whether you’re likely to have a boy or a girl is inherited. We now know that men are more likely to have sons if they have more brothers but are more likely to have daughters if they have more sisters. However, in women, you just can’t predict it,” Mr Gellatly explains.
Men determine the sex of a baby depending on whether their sperm is carrying an X or Y chromosome. An X chromosome combines with the mother’s X chromosome to make a baby girl (XX) and a Y chromosome will combine with the mother’s to make a boy (XY).
The Newcastle University study suggests that an as-yet undiscovered gene controls whether a man’s sperm contains more X or more Y chromosomes, which affects the sex of his children. On a larger scale, the number of men with more X sperm compared to the number of men with more Y sperm affects the sex ratio of children born each year.
So, if there is one person who should be dead here, then, it should be this guy. If he was so disappointed by the “outcome,” he should have strangled himself, because it was one of his chromosomes that determined the sex of the girl child he killed. A loser moron!
Now, some of you might say that I am being too harsh with my words, as he is probably not aware of the intricacies of the sex determination. Fair enough! So, here is a modest proposal. Maybe, every man and woman in India who wants to have a kid should go through a 7 day boot camp to understand elementary biology. After that, if the man or the man’s family, or the woman or the woman’s family kills a girl child, then, they should be hanged. Fair enough?
When the rain gods can make or break your life, you will surely pray to him/her to be generous. Hey, even I would, and I am an agnostic. Farmers in India praying for rain. (Read More)
“We hear India is growing. Where? I think they should make it clear which parts of India are growing,” he says. “We don’t see that in our village. I don’t see where that growth is happening — maybe in bigger cities? Here, we are reeling with same old-age problem. Our grandparents spent their life praying to the ‘rain god’; I’ve been doing the same all my life. My children’s future is no different,” Beniwal says.
- Preach it, my brother, preach it, but, believe me, nobody’s listening. Various governments have come and gone, yet we haven’t been able to solve two basic human needs—water and electricity for all. And here we are travelling continents and making speeches about how great we are. And here we are born with a silver spoon in our mouth and, even though we haven’t achieved anything in life—zero, zilch, nada—we will be anointed as the next big dog of the party that got India independence. And here we are winning elections after showering the plebes with free stuffs. And here we are winning a two-third majority after converting to a different religion to appeal to a particular community. Most of us have our heads buried in the sand, but we, at omygdala, are looking at it from the trenches, and we can tell you that there is either a collapse coming or a revolution coming. And nobody is prepared for it. It will hit us like a tsunami. Just you wait!
We are supposedly the fastest growing economy in the world, yet people around us are struggling. We don’t see any growth around us. Everybody is struggling to make ends meet—businesses are struggling, people are struggling, even feral dogs are struggling. The only folks who are making it big are the “polytick-cians”, the bureaucrats, the well-connected and the sycophants. Hidden inflation is eating away a common man’s savings, yet the stooges are screaming that we are growing at close to 8%. Somebody is lying here, and we think we know who it is.
N.B: Read the disclaimer if you feel we are being unfair to a particular political party. No, we aren’t.
Say what now?
A (wo)man’s best friend will always be a (wo)man’s best friend. Street dogs holding vigil for their friend. (Read More)
It’s a sad day when humans have so little regard for one another that they’ll just pass by the body of a woman who’s died, leaving her in the street to rot. But dogs are on a higher plane than humans. These eight dogs faithfully surrounded her and held vigil for several hours.
- India and China are very similar when it comes to a few things, one of them being we often times don’t value life and we don’t respect the dead. Taken together, we account for close to 37% of the world’s population. With so many people around, who cares if one person dies, or a few hundreds or a few thousands die. Just a small blimp on the radar. No big deal!
So, in a few years, will it be called Deadbook instead of Facebook? (Read More)
The numbers of the dead on Facebook are growing fast. By 2012, just eight years after the platform was launched, 30 million users with Facebook accounts had died. That number has only gone up since. Some estimates claim more than 8,000 users die each day.
I am sure it will be a weird feeling to see the profile of a person who is no more staring at you from the great beyond. Freaky!!